Pastoral Care on the St. Luke healthcare campus is available to every resident and their family members. As our Pastoral Care Coordinator, the Reverend Ana Rivera-Georgescu, an ordained Episcopalian Minister, has a vested interest in each resident’s spiritual and physical well-being, no matter one’s denomination or faith. 

St. Luke FOC Pastoral Care Coordinator Rev Ana 2022

Reverend Ana Rivera-Georgescu

Rev. Ana, as she likes to be referred to, reminded staff that in her role as Pastoral Care Coordinator she is available to offer assistance in many ways. “As staff interact with our residents and you notice someone who is depressed, anxious, has had a recent life crisis or change personally or in their family, or just needs someone to talk to, I am available.” 

As the link with our local religious community, Rev. Ana maintains regular contact with all pastors/priests in the area and makes arrangements to visit our residents for prayer, encouragement or to administer Sacraments. She noted that we have several clergy members from the community that have monthly scheduled visits or who lead Mass or Services.

“Prayer is an important part of my ministry. I am here to help share in prayer with all on our healthcare campus,” noted Rev. Ana. “In our Chapel at St. Luke you will find a prayer box. Residents, families and staff are invited to submit their prayer requests confidentially. These requests are gathered and prayed for every day for one month. A request for a pastoral visit may also be written on the cards provided.”

Spiritual care and counsel in the midst of, or at the end of life, can be very important. Our Pastoral Care Coordinator is a participant on our resident care Interdisciplinary Team and as a member of our Comfort Care team, Rev. Ana is available to lend her support during difficult times.

Any staff member can request a pastoral visit on behalf of a resident, and she welcomes visits from any staff who wishes to speak with her. Besides her work here at St. Luke the Reverend is available regularly at both Bishop’s Commons and at St. Francis Commons.